In the late 1970's Punk rock was unknown to the general public in the UK, or at least from a parents point of view.
Teens had already been listening to Punk through bands like The Ramones and MC5. Now their parents were about to get a taste of British Punk, on live TV.
In 1976, rock band, Queen where forced to cancel an appearance on British TV programme, Today, hosted by Bill Grundy. The late cancellation left the shows producers in desperate need of an last minute act to fill the air time.
Queens label EMI, decided to offer their latest signing called The Sex Pistols, who had just released their debut single, Anarchy in the UK
At the time punk
was unknown to the general public with only those who read the music press being aware of the new movement. However that was about to change.
Before their appearance the band had been held backstage in the green room with what seemed like an endless supply of alcohol which the band were more than happy to accept.
The interview started badly with Grundy setting the atmosphere by introducing the band, making the comment that the band was more drunk than I am
, which led the band to start mimicking him as he made an effort to read the auto-cue.
Grundy then went on to challenge the group’s anti-materialistic values after they had just accepted a £40,000 advance from EMI. We’ve fucking spent it, ain’t we?
Steve Jones replied.
With the group talking over each other, Jones comment went over Grundys head who continued on with his next line of questioning.
Gundy changed the subject from their record contract by mentioning Mozart, Bach and Beethoven much to the annoyance of Johnny Rotten who with a slip of the tongue referred to the names mentioned as shit
. At the time this was not a done
thing on British TV.
Rotten, realising he had made and error, tried to change the subject, however Grundy sprang into action and asked Rotten to repeat his comment, to which Rotten obliged.
Grundys then moved his attention towards, 19 year old, Siouxsie Sioux in a flirtatious manner. This was the last straw for Steve Jones who was waiting for his moment to shine on British TV.
You dirty sod. You dirty old man!
Jones snarled at Grundy who continued to goad Jones by replying Go on, you’ve another five seconds. Say something outrageous
Never one shy away from anarchy the guitarist famously responds, You dirty bastard… You dirty fucker,
before finishing with, What a fucking rotter!
With the interview crashing to a disastrous end the band where then taken to the green room where they continued harassing studio employees.
The studio was in chaos with members of the public taken to their phones to complain to the show.
The studio had 12 phone-lines which had become over run resulting in calls being diverted to the green room.
Now unsupervised, the band where left to answer the angry phone calls resulting in more profanity, providing great amusement for the Pistols and their entourage.
The next day the interview made national headlines. The tabloids had a field day. The Daily Mirror wrote on their front page, The Filth and the Fury
with politicians weaponizing the incident and vowing to prevent the band from performing to the public.
Of course there is no such thing as bad publicity. The interview would make them public enemy No. 1 with British parents, while the youth seen it as two fingers to the establishment and the start of something new.
The great rock n roll swindle was in motion.