Blending the sounds of Folk, Indie, and Irish Trad, Fin Furey showcases his ability to weave themes of life and death into a melodic narrative with his latest single, Japanese Death Poems.
The title Japanese Death Poems
was inspired by the ancient Japanese tradition of Death Poems, which are poems and Haikus written at life's end by monks, poets, and warriors, capturing their final thoughts in a few simple, powerful lines, a quiet farewell that embraces death with dignity and one last reflection on a life lived.
Japanese Death Poems
leans into the idea of imagining yourself on your deathbed, surrounded by the ghosts of your unfulfilled dreams, unused talents, and ideas you never acted on. These ghosts, angry and disappointed, confront you in your final moments, saying, We came to you because you could have brought us to life, but instead, we lived and died locked away in your mind. Now we have to go to the grave together.
How many ghosts will stand around your deathbed when the time comes?
The single, Japanese Death Poem is available through all streaming platforms.
Photo: Pete Murphy Publicity